
Best Tea for Stress and Anxiety

Posted by Sierra Soleimani on Jan 11th 2016

Best Tea for Stress and Anxiety

For thousands of years, tea has been used for meditation (religious ceremonies), medication and relaxation. It goes back over 5,000 years as a medication and 1,000 as a beverage. Nature’s Xanax, as …

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Eat Well, Sleep Well, and Reduce Stress

Posted by Lisa Edwards on Nov 20th 2015

Eat Well, Sleep Well, and Reduce Stress

"You are what you eat", we have all heard this expression. But did you know that healthy eating can help you get through stressful days and lead to a better night's sleep? There are some fo …

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​Reduce Stress through Exercise

Posted by Lisa Edwards on Nov 13th 2015

​Reduce Stress through Exercise

Regular exercise is a powerful stress reliever. In times of excessive stress, it very well may be the last thing you feel like doing. However, the best way to lift your mood, increase ener …

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​Identifying Signs of Stress

Posted by Lisa Edwards on Nov 4th 2015

​Identifying Signs of Stress

Consider a day in the life: it’s 8:05 and your morning alarm is muffled by the aquamarine color-of-the-season decorative pillows you insisted on buying. You have three missed calls and nine emails- tw …

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