Best Plants For Improving Sleep Quality

Posted by Sierra Soleimani on Apr 1st 2016

Best Plants For Improving Sleep Quality

Nothing ruins the next day like a sleepless night. The constant tossing and turning on top of your painful bruxism, can take a serious toll on your productivity, mood and overall health. One way to ensure better sleep quality is to fill your bedroom with plants. Not only do they brighten up the room, but they also have relaxing and air purifying benefits.

We’ve compiled a list of plants that will help you have a more restful sleep:



Lavender can have powerful effects on your sleep quality and stress levels. Research has shown it to slow down your heart rate, decrease rapid eye movement (REM) and lower blood pressure. Another study even found that lavender reduced crying in babies by putting them in a deeper sleep. Plus who doesn’t love the beautiful smell? While there are countless lavender based products available, why not go for the real deal? It can help add natural vibrancy to your bedroom.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

If you are saying to yourself, “I am horrible with plants. Every plant I touch dies”. This is the plant for you. Aloe vera is known to handle neglect well because they don’t require a lot of water. Listed by NASA as one of the top air purifying plants, aloe emits oxygen leading clean air and a more restful sleep.

Bonus Benefit: You can use the gel from inside the leaves as a topical ointment to treat rashes, burns and bites.

Spider Plant

Spider Plant

Spider plant (not to be confused with Snake Plant) is another plant known to purify air. NASA’s research showed it to remove 90% of the potentially cancer-causing chemical formaldehyde (common in household products like pressed wood and grout) from the air. With better air quality comes better sleep quality.



Valerian root has been used as tea and tinctures since the ancient times. Roman physician Galen would prescribe it for insomnia. Today research has shown that just inhaling it’s smell can improve sleep quality. Studies also showed that valerian can help you fall asleep faster. Plus the flowers that blossom are gorgeous!

Peace Lily

Peace Lily

Peace lilies are very common houseplants and it’s for a good reason. Like the aloe and spider plant, peace lily also made NASA’s list due to it’s ability to filter out harmful benzenetrichloroethylene, and formaldehyde toxins in the air.

Bonus Benefit: The moisture given off from this plant can increase a room’s humidity by 5%. 

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