
Fitting Your SOVA Night Guard With Braces

Posted by Sierra Soleimani on Mar 11th 2016

Fitting Your SOVA Night Guard With Braces

One of unique features of the SOVA guard is it's ability to be fitted with braces. But, STOP RIGHT THERE. Put down the mouthguard and step away from the hot water. Now go back and carefully re-read …

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5 Reasons You Shouldn't Dread Going to The Dentist

Posted by Sierra Soleimani on Mar 7th 2016

5 Reasons You Shouldn't Dread Going to The Dentist

I used to be so afraid of going to the dentist that I put off going for a couple years. It wasn’t until my gums were inflamed and causing me pain that I actually went to go see the dentist. I am …

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Posted by Sierra Soleimani on Mar 4th 2016

10 Bedtime Habits That Ruin Your Beauty Sleep

Troubles sleeping? You’re not alone. Over 58% of people have sleeping disorders and problems sleeping. You need your sleep in order to function efficiently the following day and there's ma …

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5 Natural Supplements That Help Relieve Pain

Posted by Sierra Soleimani on Jan 22nd 2016

5 Natural Supplements That Help Relieve Pain

This may be a feeling many of you know all too well. You wake up from a mediocre night’s sleep, rub your eyes, spit out your night guard, and there it is. Your day begins with pain. All you know …

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