Posted by Sierra Soleimani on Mar 4th 2016

10 Bedtime Habits That Ruin Your Beauty Sleep

bad sleep habits

Troubles sleeping? You’re not alone. Over 58% of people have sleeping disorders and problems sleeping. You need your sleep in order to function efficiently the following day and there's many other benefits that you may not be aware of. Here are some habits that could be getting in the way of your beauty sleep.

  1. Sleep Schedule
  2. We are creatures of habit. Our bodies love routine. Going to bed and getting up at different times everyday can confuse the body’s “biological clock” medically referred to as circadian rhythm. Your body won’t know when to feel sleepy or awake. Keeping a consistent sleep schedule will improve your overall sleep quality.

  3. Night Grinding
  4. Most people who grind their teeth (Bruxism) at night are unaware that they are doing so. It usually isn’t brought up until the dentist notices signs on the teeth or a sleeping partner hears the sound of the grinding. Letting bruxism go untreated can lead to serious consequences such as cracked teeth, worn down enamel, gum recession, headache or jaw pain. If you suspect signs of bruxism, visit your dentist who can make a precise evaluation and give proper advice for treatment.

  5. Stimulants
  6. For many people, no meal is complete until the final drop of tea or coffee is gone. Caffeine keeps us alert by blocking sleep producing chemicals and increasing adrenaline production. If consumed too late at night, the caffeine can keep you awake for up to 6 hours.

  7. Full Bladder
  8. Many people drink a glass or two of water before going to bed, but this could cause you to wake up multiple times to use the bathroom. Try to avoid drinking liquids up to 2 hours before going to sleep

  9. Stress
  10. Insomnia can often be a symptom of stress. If you are feeling stressed, your mind is probably moving at a million miles per minute. Before going to bed, choose a relaxing activity that you actually enjoy doing, such as knitting or reading.

  11. Alcohol
  12. Even though alcohol is considered a sedative, it could have noticeable effects on your sleep quality. A recent study found that drinking before sleeping can disrupt your non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep.

  13. Electronics
  14. Television is the most common type of bedtime entertainment. In fact, over two-thirds of people in the world falls asleep with the TV on. The lighting from the electronics screen can stimulate and prevent the brain from producing the necessary sleep hormone, melatonin.

  15. Full Stomach 
  16. After that yummy last bite, your body relies on gravity to digest your meal. The top of your stomach is lined with a muscle called the upper esophageal sphincter (UES), which prevents partially digested food from re-entering your esophagus. When you lie down and all the food is pressed against the sphincter (more than it can handle), it can re-enter your esophagus. To prevent this, avoid reclining for 3 hours after eating your last meal.

  17. Bedding
  18. The mattress you sleep can have a huge effect on your sleep quality. A good mattress is not something you want to cheap out on. You need a good night's sleep and if your mattress is preventing that from happening, it's time to get a new one. Take the mattress finder quiz to find the best mattress for you.

  19. Exercise at Night
  20. In the era of 24/7 gyms, you can now fit in a workout no matter what your crazy schedule is like. But if you're planning on getting a good sleep after, an intense workout will be the last thing you need. New research has shown that an intense workout before bed can lead to troubles falling asleep. 

    night grinding bruxism